My new Townhouse was first built in the '80's, so of course the exterior is blue, the linoleum is blue... and the tile is pale pink (I guess to match the pink paint that was in the stairway). So I had decided the cost of re-tiling was way too much. But Casey, my lil brother, said, "No way Sis, I can't let you keep this horrible tile. I will retile it for you.

I hate to tell all of you this, but life is not like HGTV. It doesn't just work out. The old fireplace had 8" tiles but when I went off to Lowe's I discovered they don't make 8" tiles anymore only 6", 12" and a variety of smaller things. Well I looked at some tiles and selected a tile called Sedona and brought home samples in a whole varitey of sizes. Casey came in and went to take the old tile off and the tiles were glued to the wall board! So Casey, thank goodness, made the next trip to Lowes and purchased all of the necessary items: grout, wallboard, tools, tiles.
Depite all the bumps, I believe you will agree that the finished product is gorgeous! Amazing! I can't wait to see what it looks like with Carpet and all! Pink paint...gone! Pink tile....gone! Blue linoleum you're next!

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